Category Movies

The Debt Collector

A martial arts practitioner decides to work from now on with a mobster, as a debt collector from all his former collaborators to recover their debts. This new “job” seems quite easy. However, when a new client appears in the landscape, things get complicated for the debt collector. Together with his partner Sue, French has one of the heaviest missions, a life-threatening mission...

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Gone Are The Days

In the wild West, Taylon, a prostitute at the age of two, lives on his neglected farm with one leg in his grave. Despite many health problems, Taylon consumes whiskey and heroin. His health continues to damaged. He asks Virgil’s help, his former partner, to make up for mistakes committed throughout his life. One of the most difficult tasks is to get along with one of his daughters, Heidi. She had to leave her when she was just a kid because of her illegal activities...

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Avengers: Infinity War

As Rebels have been busy with their partners to protect the world from the frequent threats that have departed from them and which nobody could have been able to combat by themselves, a danger that has never been seen before in umbrellas cosmos; this is Thanos! An exponent of the intergalactic evil, its main purpose is to find and take possession of the Six Stones of the Infinite, some ancient artifacts with an unimaginable power, and if it succeeds in putting it all in its glove then it will have control on everything that exists and will impose its evil reality...

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Primarist of the profession, David Okoye is increasingly difficult to establish relationships with his fellow men, it is easier to get close to the monkeys. He is extremely attracted to George, a gorilla adorable with an out-of-the-way intelligence he has been handling since birth. However, following a catastrophic genetic experiment, George transforms into an uncontrollable monster. And it’s not alone because a lot of other animals turn into angry predators, destroying everything in their passage...

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The Week Of

Kenny Lustig is Sarah’s father who is going to get married soon. Kenny is a regular, classical guy who listens to radio matches, loves Billy Joel and is a stereotypical father who wants his big day to be a memorable one for his daughter. Even if the budget is a small one, it is decided to organize a dream wedding. He refused the financial aid offered by Kirby, the bridegroom’s father, a well-established cardiologist. He is too proud to accept money from someone...

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In medieval India, Princess Padmavati falls in love with King Ratan of Chittor who is already married. He finally breaks out of his wife and marries her, becoming the queen and living together in joy and splendor. Their rule is one of peace and quiet, or at least that seems at first glance. But more to the north, the story of the unique beauty of the new queen, who is said to have been the most beautiful woman ever to be, reaches the ears of the Sultan of Delhi...

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Fresh is a hot coffee who, after luck seems to sue them, meets Chucho, a very good pocket hotter who has a long “career” in this field. Chucho is willing to share all the knowledge he has with Fresh, and with these new possibilities to make money, Fresh starts up with Doggy and Juana’s friends in an adventure of money and adrenaline...

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Devil’S Tree: Rooted Evil

Sam is a talented journalism student who discovers a Tree with a dark history. Prior to graduation, he / she must write a paper and find an interesting subject. Together with his boyfriend Rob, Sam is over an article in a newspaper about an old tree located in a parking lot where a lot of horrendous acts took place. The locals called this Tree the Devil Tree. Sam is convinced that this is the perfect subject for his work. He begins to discover the truth about these urban legends...

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A film about four high school colleagues who, after graduation, realize they have to mature suddenly. About how they will deal with life losses – best friends leave them going to college – about how the weather passes. Girls start to become more nostalgic, realizing that the weather is passing and they are inevitably maturing...

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Backstabbing for Beginners

Michael is the son of a Danish diplomat whose father was killed in Lebanon and wants to follow the same professional path as his father. He is taken over by a certain Pasha who tells him from the very beginning that he knew his father and took the impassive wand under his wing, instructing him how to handle the political world and not only. Michael’s predecessor was killed in a car accident in Iraq, but no matter what Pasha says, the subject of “accident” deserves to be thorough. Pasha handles the Petrol and Food program, whose business was to relocate Saddam’s money to social programs for the Iraqi population...

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