Terrifier 3
It’s been five years since all the chaos from the last movie. Sienna’s still got a lot of heavy stuff to work through and has been staying in a psychiatric hospital. With Christmas coming up, her warm-hearted aunt and uncle decide to bring her home, thinking that being surrounded by family might be just what she needs to start feeling better. She feels really close to her little cousin Gabbie and finds comfort in their bond. Meanwhile, her brother Jonathan is trying hard to forget all the past trauma by diving into college life.
But guess what? That creepy Art the Clown guy isn’t done yet. Even though Sienna took care of him before by chopping off his head, somehow he’s managed to pull himself back together and is ready for more chaos. He’s got Victoria – a very disturbed character who’s escaped from a mental asylum – tagging along with him this time.
Sienna soon finds herself face-to-face with this horrifying enemy again. And it’s a bloodbath all over another holiday season – except instead of Halloween, this time it’s Christmas! Now you get this twisted Santa situation thrown in too since Art’s parading around in Santa gear.
The setting may have switched holidays, but not much changes storytelling-wise—though we learn a bit more about Sienna’s dad who liked to draw—and there’s not much light shed on why exactly Sienna ends up being kinda like a vigilante.
As for the movie itself, it starts slow; first half is split between following Art on his gruesome exploits and diving into Sienna’s mostly dull struggles… oh yeah, don’t forget Jonathan’s got his own boring bits too!
Ok, so there’s this movie where things start off a bit mundane. You’ve got Jonathan and his study buddy’s girlfriend, who’s oddly obsessed with this criminal drama they’ve stumbled into.
Once we get through that setup, though, the movie takes a wild turn in the second half. It becomes this over-the-top horror party with everything you’d expect—gruesome scenes, lots of gore, you name it. They even shove rats down someone’s throat at one point!
The ultimate showdown is between Sienna and Art the clown. It’s intense: Sienna wields a chainsaw like she’s in “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and uses a magical sword too. Now, Art isn’t breaking any new ground as scary clowns go—there are tons out there. But he does his job well thanks to David Howard Thornton’s performance, who manages to mix some twisted humor into all the horror.
The thing is, like many horror villains who just won’t stay down, knowing Art is pretty indestructible kinda kills the suspense. So instead of biting your nails over what’s going to happen next plot-wise, it’s more about how creatively gruesome each scene can get.
While it might not reinvent anything in horror land, Damien Leone directs with his usual energy and flair to give fans what they’ve come for.
The movie’s got a ton of blood and guts, mostly thanks to some killer special effects. Lauren LaVera is back and still nails her role, but this time around, she’s not as busy, and her battles aren’t quite as epic as in Terrifier 2. Oh, and there’s a fun appearance by Tom Savini, the legend behind amazing effects—he pops in for a lively cameo. The ending? Totally set up for another sequel down the road!
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