Category Years

I Kill Giants

Barbara is a solitary teenager, different from the rest of his younger age, and is in constant conflict with the people in his entourage. His days are about the same, between visits to the psychologist and the director’s office, nothing special happens in his life. Barbara has an obsession for Uriasi, fantastic creatures coming from another world in order to provoke chaos in the world. Armed with its legendary hammer, Barbara embarks on an epic and dangerous fight to prevent Uriasi from taking over the world...

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Cathy is a young entrepreneur who, in a few days, will see her dream come true, will open her first business. But before that, she is attacked, kidnapped and locked in a 10X10 room. The story becomes even more complicated when the mysterious attacker asks for one thing, namely his name...

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Tomb Raider

Lara Croft, aged 21, has no project, no ambition. She’s the daughter of an excentric explorer who’s been missing for over seven years. Lara is a rebellious and independent young woman who refuses to rule the empire left by her father. Convinced that his father is not dead, Lara decides to head to the destination where his father was first seen, a legendary tomb located on a mythical island in the heart of Japan...

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Red Sparrow

A young ballet dancer and an infiltrated CIA agent in Russia have radical changes in life in one night, their lives are over. The former is the victim of a fall that puts its promising career forward, while the identity of the latter is compromised. In order to ensure the medical treatment of his sick mother, the ballerina accepts the proposal of his uncle, that of becoming a spy. Before that, you must undergo rigorous training...

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On the way he passes daily to school, two middle school students and an orphan, but brave puppy, named Benji, bind an unusual friendship. Not long after the two will realize that Benji is more than a friend, he is a protector who manages to solve problems...

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The Forgiven

It is the year 1993. Archbishop Desmond Tutu is called in the cell of one of the most dangerous criminals, Piet Bloomfeld who asked for his presence in the desire to be forgiven for the crimes he committed in his troubled past. Saying that the detainee’s actions are too serious to be forgiven by the authorities, Tutu gives Piet a chance to record a detailed confession designed to bring relief to the families he has destroyed...

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Black Water

Wheeler is a brave and loyal CIA agent. The latter was drugged and brought to Blackwater, a more special prison, on a modified nuclear submarine. Once here, Wheeler is tortured to uncover the location of a secret CIA-owned adapter that would allow the decoding of a drive containing a number of compromising information...

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Sarah is the widow of William Wirt Winchester, whose company dominates the weapons industry. Since the death of his husband and son, Sarah is haunted by the spirits of the people who died of the shoot. To rejuvenate the ghosts, Sarah decides to hire people to build the spirits in his huge mansion, not respecting any architectural plan...

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Lena teaches Biology and is incapable of accepting the disappearance of Kane, her husband’s soldier. One year after he was declared dead, he suddenly recurs, as if nothing had happened. Lena does not have time to ask too much because she is immediately quarantined in quarantine because Kane is the only survivor of a group of soldiers who have overrun a dangerous area...

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Danny Gallagher is a Narcotics detective in disgrace. Recently released from prison, Danny is determined to revenge the one who staged the crime for which he stood in prison and murdered his partner. During his own investigation, Gallagher will have to face a seductive and charismatic government agent who might or may not be on his side, does not know whether or not he can trust him...

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